first in first outglossary / FIRST-IN, FIRST-OUT first-in, first-out. An accounting method that assumes that goods are sold in the order in which they were purchased — that is, the oldest items are sold first. — Abbr. FIFO. Cf. LAST-IN, FIRST-OUT; NEXT-IN, FIRST-OUT. 词条贡献者 译者Vicky,毕业于世界顶级翻译学院,擅长翻译各种与债权人权利及破产诉讼相关的法律文件。
last in first out FIRST-OUT, LAST-IN last-in, first-out. An accounting method that assumes that the most recent purchases are sold or used first, matching current costs…
next in first out FIRST-OUT, NEXT-IN next-in, first-out. A method of inventory valuation (but not a generally accepted accounting principle) whereby the cost of goods is…