free chapelglossary / free chapel, 自由礼拜堂 free chapel〈英〉(教会法)自由礼拜堂 由国王建立,不受教区主教管辖的小教堂。它也可能是在国王特许下,由私人建立或捐赠的礼拜堂。 词条贡献者 译者亚明,毕业于国内一流的高级翻译学院,擅长翻译各种与网络安全、隐私和数据保护相关的法律文件。
free chapel free chapel free chapel. Hist. Eccles. law. A church founded by the Crown (or by a person under royal grant) and not…
free chapel free chapel Hist. Eccles. law. A church founded by the Crown (or by a person under royal grant) and not subject to…