
fuero (foo-wer-oh).Spanish law.

1. A forum; court.

2. The territory in which a court has the power to act.

3. A privilege enjoyed by some but not others.

4. A custom having the force of law.

5. Hist. A collection of local, usu. customary, laws.

Fuero Juzgo (hooz-goh). Hist. A 7th-century Visigothic code that was revised and incorporated into the laws of 13th-century Spain. • The code contains the earliest known laws of community property. In the 18th century, much of the Fuero Juzgo was incorporated into the Code Napoleon. In the 19th century, vestiges of the Fuero Juzgo were incorporated into the Spanish Civil Code.

Fuero Real (ray-ahl). Hist. A collection of the ancient customs of Castile, collected by order of Alfonse X in 1255 to produce a uniform legal code, much of which was incorporated into local fueros. • Louisiana’s system of acquets and gains was adapted from the Fuero Real.

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