
garnish, n. Hist. Money exacted from a new prisoner by other prisoners or as a jailer’s fee. • This practice was banned in England in 1815.

garnish, vb. [Old French garnir “to warn”; “to prepare”]

1. Hist. To serve an heir with notice (i.e., to warn) of certain debts that must be paid before the person is entitled to receive property as an heir.

2. To subject (property) to garnishment; to attach (property held by a third party) in order to satisfy a debt.

3. To notify (a person, bank, etc.) that a garnishment proceeding has been undertaken and that the one receiving notice may be liable as stakeholder or custodian of the defendant’s property.

— Also termed garnishee; (in senses 2 & 3) factorize. [Cases: Federal Civil Procedure 601; Garnishment 1.] — garnishable, adj.

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