guardian by nurtureglossary / guardian by nurture Hist. The parental guardian of a child who is not the heir apparent, lasting until the child reaches the age of 14. — Also termed guardian for nurture. 词条贡献者 双语律师Simon,毕业于亚洲一流的高级翻译学院,擅长翻译涉及金属和矿业领域的法律文件。
guardian by nurture guardian by nurture, 养育监护人 guardian by nurture 养育监护人 指未成年人的父亲,父亲死亡时养育监护人则为母亲。这种监护权,依普通法,仅指对人身的监管,至被监护人男满14岁,女满16岁为止。对非婚生子女,则母亲是唯一的养育监护人。 (→ guardian by nature)