high court of chivalry

High Court of Chivalry. Hist. A court of honor having jurisdiction over matters relating to deeds of arms and war, armorial insignia, and precedence.

— Also termed Court of Chivalry; Court of Earl Marshal. See COURT OF HONOR.

“This Curia Marescalli, or High Court of Chivalry, was revived by James I as a court of honour, which not only tried the right to distinctions of honour and coat armour but also redressed affronts to honour such as slander. The slander jurisdiction was later denied, leaving it with a jurisdiction probably confined to disputes over armorial bearings, which are determined according to the law of arms. The court, which has only sat once since 1737, is the last English court to use the procedure of the civil law.” J.H. Baker, An Introduction to English Legal History 142 (3d ed. 1990).

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