

1. Broadly, any main route on land, on water, or in the air.

2. A free and public roadway or street that every person may use. [Cases: Highways 18.]

“Every thoroughfare which is used by the public, and is, in the language of the English books, ‘common to all the king’s subjects,’ is a highway, whether it be a carriage-way, a horse-way, a foot-way, or a navigable river. It is, says Lord Holt, the genus of all public ways.” 3 James Kent, Commentaries on American Law *432 (George Comstock ed., 11th ed. 1866).

3. The main public road connecting towns or cities.

4. The entire width between boundaries of every publicly maintained way when part is open to public use for purposes of vehicular traffic.

common highway. A highway for use by the public for any purpose of transit or traffic.

public highway. A highway controlled and maintained by governmental authorities for general use. [Cases: Highways 18.]

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