income averagingglossary / income averaging, 收入平均法 income averaging〈美〉收入平均法 一种计征个人所得税的选择方法,它允许纳税人将当年的高收入与前三年的收入相平均后再计税。1986年的税收改革法〔Tax Reform Act〕取消了这一作法。 词条贡献者 资深译员大智,毕业于美国一流的高级翻译学院,专注翻译各种与复杂诉讼有关的法律文件。
income averaging income averaging Tax. A method of computing tax by averaging a person’s current income with that of preceding years. [Cases: Internal Revenue…
income averaging income averaging income averaging. Tax. A method of computing tax by averaging a person’s current income with that of preceding years. [Cases:…