indefinite failure of issueglossary / indefinite failure of issue A failure of issue whenever it happens, without any certain period within which it must happen. [Cases: Descent and Distribution 14, 57, 58. C.J.S. Descent and Distribution §§ 14–15, 63.] 词条贡献者 法律翻译Johnny,毕业于新加坡知名法学院,专注翻译各类与劳动、雇佣和福利有关的法律文件。
indefinite failure of issue indefinite failure of issue, 非限定无后嗣 indefinite failure of issue 非限定无后嗣 指可于或迟或早的任何期间无后嗣,尤不限于当事人死亡时的无后嗣。 (→die without issue)