indorsee in due courseglossary / indorsee in due course An indorsee who, in the ordinary course of business, acquires a negotiable instrument in good faith for value, before its maturity, and without knowledge of its dishonor. 词条贡献者 资深译员Lorna,毕业于一所培养高级翻译以及跨文化事务专家的精英大学,专注翻译各种与房地产投资信托有关的法律文件。
indorsee in due course indorsee in due course, 手续正当的被背书人 indorsee in due course 手续正当的被背书人 指普通商业行为中,善意、有偿地在票据到期日前取得流通票据的人,其并不知道该票据实际上已被止付。