insuranceglossary / INSURANCE, 保险 insurancen. 保险 双方约定,一方即被保险人〔insured〕给予另一方即保险人〔insurer〕一定的补偿或对价(保费),而由保险人承诺赔偿被保险人将来可能遭受的某种损失的一种契约关系。 词条贡献者 双语律师蓉婧,国内知名法学院民商法专业,擅长翻译各类与数据隐私及安全相关的法律文件。
cost insurance and freight and freight, COST, INSURANCE cost, insurance, and freight. A mercantile-contract term allocating the rights and duties of the buyer and the seller of goods…
cost, insurance, and freight and freight, COST, INSURANCE A mercantile-contract term allocating the rights and duties of the buyer and the seller of goods with respect to delivery,…