insurance agentglossary / insurance agent, 保险代理人 insurance agent保险代理人 经保险公司明示或默示授权,代表保险公司与第三者处理有关保险事宜的人。他们代表保险公司开展业务、收取保费。 (→insurance broker) 词条贡献者 双语律师Jerry,毕业于一所培养最顶级翻译人才的语言学院,擅长翻译各类与欧洲隐私及安全法相关的法律文件。
insurance agent insurance agent A person authorized by an insurance company to sell its insurance policies. — Also termed producer; (in property insurance) recording…
insurance agent insurance agent insurance agent. A person authorized by an insurance company to sell its insurance policies. — Also termed producer; (in property…