integrated contract

integrated contract. One or more writings constituting a final expression of one or more terms of an agreement.

— Also termed integrated agreement; integrated writing. See INTEGRATION(2). [Cases: Contracts 245; Evidence 397(2). C.J.S. Contracts § 416; Evidence §§ 1159–1160, 1278–1280.]

completely integrated contract. An integrated agreement adopted by the parties as a full and exclusive statement of the terms of the agreement. • The parties are therefore prohibited from varying or supplementing the contractual terms through parol (extrinsic) evidence. [Cases: Evidence 397(2). C.J.S. Evidence §§ 1159–1160, 1278–1280.]

partially integrated contract. An agreement in which some, but not all, of the terms are integrated; any agreement other than a completely integrated agreement. [Cases: Evidence 397(2). C.J.S. Evidence §§ 1159–1160, 1278–1280.]

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