
intestate (in-tes-tayt), adj.

1. Of or relating to a person who has died without a valid will (having revoked her will without making a new one, she was intestate when she died).

2. Of or relating to the property owned by a person who died without a valid will (an intestate estate). [Cases: Descent and Distribution 19. C.J.S. Descent and Distribution § 4.]

3. Of or relating to intestacy (a spouse’s intestate share). Cf. TESTATE.

4. Archaic. (Of a person) not qualified to testify (the witness could not testify after being found intestate).

intestate, n. One who has died without a valid will. Cf. TESTATOR.

partial intestate. One who has died with a valid will that does not dispose of all of his or her net probate estate.

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