
intimidation, n. Unlawful coercion; extortion. • In England, intimidation was established as a tort in the 1964 case of Rookes v. Barnard, 1964 App. Cas. 1129 (P.C. 1964) (appeal taken from B.C.).[Cases: Extortion and Threats 34. C.J.S. Threats and Unlawful Communications §§ 29–31.] — intimidate, vb. — intimidatory, adj. — intimidator, n.

“The wrong of intimidation includes all those cases in which harm is inflicted by the use of unlawful threats whereby the lawful liberty of others to do as they please is interfered with. This wrong is of two distinct kinds, for the liberty of action so interfered with may be either that of the plaintiff himself, or that of other persons with resulting damage to the plaintiff.” R.F.V. Heuston, Salmond on the Law of Torts 364 (17th ed. 1977).

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