
jure (joor-ee), adv. [Latin]

1. By right; in right.

2. By law. See DE JURE.

jure accessionis (joor-ee ak-sesh-ee-oh-nis). By the law of natural accession. • For example, the fruits of trees on one’s land are one’s property jure accessionis.

jure accretionis ([schwa]-kree-shee-oh-nis). By right of accretion.

jure belli (bel-I). By the right or law of war.

jure civili (s[schwa]-vI-lI). By the civil law.

jure coronae (k[schwa]-roh-nee). In right of the Crown.

jure devolutionis (dev-[schwa]-loo-shee-oh-nis). By right of devolution.

jure divino (di-vI-noh). By divine right.

jure ecclesiae (e-klee-z[h]ee-ee). By right of the church.

jure gentium (jen-shee-[schwa]m). By the law of nations.

jure officii ([schwa]-fish-ee-I). By right of office.

jure proprietatis (pr[schwa]-prI-[schwa]-tay-tis). By right of property.

jure proprio (proh-pree-oh). By one’s own proper right.

jure repraesentationis (rep-r[schwa]-zen-tay-shee-oh-nis). By right of representation; in the right of another person.

jure sanguinis (sang-gwi-nis). By right of blood.

jure uxoris ([schwa]k-sor-is). In right of a wife.

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