jus quaesitum tertio

jus quaesitum tertio (j[schwa]s kwi-sI-t[schwa]m t[schwa]r-shee-oh). [Law Latin] Scots law. A contractual right conferred on a third party. • A third-party right may be conferred on a specified individual or on an identifiable class of people.

“Where, in a contract between two parties, a stipulation is introduced in favour of a third, who is not a contracting party, the right thus created is said to be jus quaesitum tertio. Such a right, generally speaking, cannot be recalled by the contracting parties, and the third party, so far as he is concerned, may require exhibition and implementation of the contract.” William Bell, Bell’s Dictionary and Digest of the Laws of Scotland 622 (George Watson ed., 7th ed. 1890).

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