knight serviceglossary / knight-service, 骑士役保有 knight service(英格兰古法)骑士役保有 封建保有之一种。每一骑士保有一块骑士地,条件是必须在一年中有40天随国王从战。这种骑士役逐步转变成代偿金或协助金,最终在查理二世时期遭废止。 词条贡献者 译者Rowland,毕业于世界顶级翻译学院,擅长翻译各种与商业地产买卖相关的法律文件。
knight service knight-service knight-service. Hist. A type of lay tenure in which a knight held land of another person or the Crown in…
knight service knight-service Hist. A type of lay tenure in which a knight held land of another person or the Crown in exchange…