landmanglossary / LANDMAN landman. Oil & gas. A person responsible for acquiring oil and gas leases, negotiating arrangements for development of leases, and managing leased properties. • In this field, both men and women are commonly known as landmen. 词条贡献者 译员圣强,国际仲裁与争端解决专业,专注翻译各种与跨境争议有关的法律文件。
landman LANDMAN, 土地保有人, 土地占有人, 土地承租人, 油田代理, 油田经理 landman n. (1)土地承租人;土地保有人;土地占有人 (2)油田经理;油田代理 指代表油气公司与土地所有人协商订立合同在其土地上开采油气的经理人。有时亦用「exploration manager」,「land manager」或「land agent」替代。