larceny by trickglossary / larceny by trick, 欺骗偷盗罪 larceny by trick欺骗偷盗罪 指用伎俩、诡计非法占取他人财产的犯罪;犯此罪者必须具有永久剥夺被害人财产的意图,即使被害人同意犯罪者占取该财产,其同意仍无效。 (→larceny by fraud or deception; larceny) 词条贡献者 资深译员筠怡,国际知名法学院民商法专业,专注翻译各种与商业和侵权诉讼有关的法律文件。
larceny by trick larceny by trick Larceny in which the taker misleads the rightful possessor, by misrepresentation of fact, into giving up possession of (but not…
larceny by fraud or deception larceny by fraud or deception, 欺骗偷盗罪 larceny by fraud or deception 欺骗偷盗罪 指行为人故意以欺诈的方式非法取得他人财物的犯罪行为。 (→larceny)