levari facias

levari facias (l[schwa]-vair-Ifay-shee-[schwa]s). [Law Latin “that you cause to be levied”] A writ of execution ordering a sheriff to seize a judgment debtor’s goods and income from lands until the judgment debt is satisfied. • This writ is now used chiefly in Delaware. Cf. FIERI FACIAS. [Cases: Execution 15. C.J.S. Executions § 18.]

levari facias damna de disseisitoribus (l[schwa]-vair-Ifay-shee-[schwa]s dam-n[schwa] dee dis-see-z[schwa]-tor-[schwa]-b[schwa]s), n. [Law Latin “that you cause to be levied the rest of the debt”] Hist. A writ directing the sheriff to levy property to pay damages owed to one wrongfully dispossessed of a freehold estate. See DISSEISIN.

levari facias quando vicecomes returnavit quod non habuit emptores (l[ schwa]-vair-Ifay-shee-[schwa]s kwon-doh vI-see-koh-meez ree-t[schwa]r-nay-vit kwod non hay-byoo-it emp-tor-eez), n. [Law Latin “that you cause to be levied the damages from the disseisors”] Hist. A writ directing a sheriff, who had already seized some of the debtor’s property and found it unsalable, to sell as much additional property as necessary to pay the entire debt.

levari facias residuum debiti (l[schwa]-vair-Ifay-shee-[schwa]s ri-zij-oo-[schwa]m deb-[schwa]-tI), n. [Law Latin “that you cause to be levied when the sheriff has returned that it had no buyers”] Hist. A writ directing the sheriff to levy upon a debtor’s lands or goods to pay the remainder of a partially satisfied debt.

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