life of a writglossary / LIFE OF A WRIT life of a writ. The effective period during which a writ may be levied. • That period usu. ends on the day that the law or the writ itself provides that it must be returned to court. 词条贡献者 法律翻译Frank,毕业于英国一流的高级翻译学院,专注翻译各类与娱乐、体育及媒体有关的法律文件。
life of a writ LIFE OF A WRIT, 令状的有效期 life of a writ 令状的有效期 在此期限内,令状(执行令状等)保持有效,可以合法送达或执行。令状在法律或令状本身条款规定日期终止效力,并须交还给法院。