local usageglossary / local usage A practice or method regularly observed in a particular place, sometimes considered by a court in interpreting a document. UCC § 1-205(2). See CUSTOM AND USAGE. [Cases: Customs and Usages 9. C.J.S. Customs and Usages § 15.] 词条贡献者 双语律师Roger,毕业于一所培养最顶级翻译人才的语言学院,擅长翻译各类与商业秘密咨询与诉讼相关的法律文件。
local usage local usage, 地方习惯, 地方惯例 local usage 地方习惯;地方惯例 指在某一特定区域内为人们所遵守的惯常做法和行为方式。因此,在某些情况下,法院在解释文件时要对之加以考虑。 (→custom and usage;local custom)