market powerglossary / market power, 市场实力, 市场支配力 market power市场支配力;市场实力 在一段持续性的时期内,通过减产将其商品销售价格抬高到市场竞争价格(特别是边际成本)之上,且仍能以此获取利润的能力。 词条贡献者 法律翻译Scott,毕业于新加坡知名法学院,专注翻译各类与豪华住宅买卖有关的法律文件。
market power market power The ability to reduce output and raise prices above the competitive level — specifically, above marginal cost — for a…
market power market power market power. The ability to reduce output and raise prices above the competitive level — specifically, above marginal cost —…