
matter, n.

1. A subject under consideration, esp. involving a dispute or litigation; CASE(1) (this is the only matter on the court’s docket today).

2. Something that is to be tried or proved; an allegation forming the basis of a claim or defense (the matters raised in the plaintiff’s complaint are not actionable under state law).

matter in deed.

1. A matter that can be proved by a writing under seal.

2. See matter of fact.

matter in pais (in pay). A matter of fact that has not been recorded in writing and that must therefore be proved by parol evidence.

matter of fact. A matter involving a judicial inquiry into the truth of alleged facts.

— Also termed matter in deed.

matter of form. A matter concerned only with formalities or noncritical characteristics (the objection that the motion was incorrectly titled related to a matter of form). Cf. matter of substance.

matter of law. A matter involving a judicial inquiry into the applicable law.

matter of record. A matter that has been entered on a judicial or other public record and therefore can be proved by producing that record.

matter of substance. A matter concerning the merits or critical elements, rather than mere formalities (the party objected because the motion was based on a repealed statute that related to a matter of substance). Cf. matter of form.

new matter. A matter not previously raised by either party in the pleadings, usu. involving new issues with new facts to be proved.

special matter. Common-law pleading. Out-of-the-ordinary evidence that a defendant is allowed to enter, after notice to the plaintiff, under a plea of the general issue.

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