mayor of the stapleglossary / MAYOR OF THE STAPLE mayor of the staple. Hist. A person appointed to take recognizances of debt between staple merchants, and to hear disputes arising between merchants. See STAPLE(1), (2). 词条贡献者 资深译员Steven,毕业于美国一流的高级翻译学院,专注翻译各种与政府政策有关的法律文件。
mayor of the staple MAYOR OF THE STAPLE, 威斯敏斯特集市总长 mayor of the staple 〈英〉威斯敏斯特集市总长 作为首席法官的副职,在休庭期对在性质上类似于集市债务清偿保证书〔statutes staple〕的一些担保进行认证。