
minor, n.

1. A person who has not reached full legal age; a child or juvenile.

— Also termed infant. Cf. ADULT. [Cases: Infants

1. C.J.S. Infants §§ 2–4.]

emancipated minor. A minor who is self-supporting and independent of parental control, usu. as a result of a court order. See EMANCIPATION. [Cases: Child Support 389; Infants 1; Parent and Child 16. C.J.S. Infants §§ 2–4; Parent and Child §§ 13–37.]

minor in need of supervision. See child in need of supervision under CHILD. — Abbr. MINS.

2. Roman law. A person who is past puberty but less than 25 years old.

— Also termed minor quam 25 annis.

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