mixed question of law and factglossary / mixed question of law and fact, 法律与事实相混的问题 mixed question of law and fact法律与事实相混的问题一种不太严谨的用法,其解决涉及法律和事实两方面的问题。事实上此类问题可明确地分解成法律问题或事实问题,然后由法官或陪审团作出决定。 词条贡献者 双语律师Peter,毕业于法国一流的高级翻译学院,擅长翻译涉及基础建设领域的法律文件。
mixed question of law and fact mixed question of law and fact mixed question of law and fact. An issue that is neither a pure question of fact nor a pure question…
mixed question of law and fact mixed question of law and fact An issue that is neither a pure question of fact nor a pure question of law. • Mixed questions of…