monroe doctrine

Monroe Doctrine. The principle that the United States will allow no intervention or domination by any non-American nation in the Western Hemisphere. • This principle, which has some recognition in international law (though not as a formal doctrine), was first announced by President James Monroe in 1823.

“The Monroe doctrine is a policy which the United States has followed in her own interest more or less consistently for more than a century, and in itself is not contrary to international law, though possible applications of it might easily be so. But it certainly is not a rule of international law. It is comparable to policies such as the ‘balance of power’ in Europe, or the British policies of maintaining the independence of Belgium or the security of our sea-routes to the East, or the former Japanese claim to something like a paramount influence over developments in the Far East. Apart from other objections, it is impossible to regard as a rule of law a doctrine which the United States claims the sole right to interpret, which she interprets in different senses at different times, and which she applies only as and when she chooses. Nor is the doctrine, as Article 21 of the Covenant described it, a ‘regional understanding’, for the other states of the region concerned, that is to say, the Continent of America, have never been parties to it and indeed have often resented it.” J.L. Brierly, The Law of Nations 314 (5th ed. 1955).

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