
multital (m[schwa]l-ti-t[schwa]l), adj.

1. Of or relating to legal relations that exist among three or more people, esp. a multitude of people. Cf. UNITAL.

“Tort and breach of contract are alike breaches of duty, but in the case of tort the pre-existing duty of the wrong-doer was one that was shared by every other member of society; and the injured party whose right was violated had not merely one right, he had a multitude of rights. His rights and the correlative duties of others were ‘multital.’ The secondary right and duty, however, arising from the tort, are relations that exist between the two persons only. They are ‘unital.’ In the case of a breach of contract, both the primary right and duty and the secondary right and duty are ‘unital.’ ” William R. Anson, Principles of the Law of Contract 11 (Arthur L. Corbin ed., 3d Am. ed. 1919).

2. Rare. IN REM.

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