munera publica

munera publica (myoo-n[schwa]r-[schwa] p[schwa]b-li-k[schwa]). [Latin] Roman law. Public duties, such as performing the offices of tutor and curator, and of index privatus. Sing. munus publicum.

“Among the Romans there were certain offices regarded as public duties, which no citizen (unless he could plead certain specified excuses) could refuse to accept of and fulfil; and among these were included the offices of tutor and curator. These offices are voluntary by the law of Scotland, and their acceptance, as well as the performance of the attendant duties, cannot be imposed upon any one against his own wish. But if the office has been once accepted and acted upon, the tutor or curator cannot resign it. He must perform the duties of his office until it expires through the death, attainment of minority or majority, as the case may be, or it may be through the marriage of the ward, and he will be liable for the consequences of his neglect, as well as the consequences of his actings and intromissions.” John Trayner, Trayner’s Latin Maxims 364 (4th ed. 1894).

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