mutual associationglossary / MUTUAL ASSOCIATION, 互助协会, 互助团体 mutual association互助协会;互助团体 (→savings and loan association) 词条贡献者 资深译员Bryan,毕业于美国一流的翻译学院,专注翻译各种与贸易与海关有关的法律文件。
mutual association MUTUAL ASSOCIATION mutual association. A mutually owned, cooperative savings and loan association, with the deposits being shares of the association. • A…
mutual benefit association mutual-benefit association, 互助协会 mutual benefit association 互助协会 由会员根据互惠契约作为合作机构组织起来的社团,每一会员均作为所有者拥有分享利益的权利,并以分摊损失的方式在各会员间分担损失和风险。 (→savings and loan association;mutual benefit insurance)