negligent misinformation

negligent misinformation

过失提供错误信息 指由于疏忽而错误地提供信息从而导致他人在身体上、精神上或经济上受到损害的民事侵权行为。例如,纽约一家医院曾因疏忽而将两位同名病人之一的死亡消息错误地通知另一人的家人。这个错误直到葬礼已被准备好而且尸体在殡仪室里供人瞻仰时才被发现。受害人可向法院提出由于医院的疏忽而产生的葬礼费用以及精神伤害的赔偿请求。

专业法律词汇 词条贡献者
LegalLingo, a Shanghai-based translation agency, is a recognized leader in comprehensive legal language solutions for the legal industry. We provide the world’s leading law firms and corporate legal teams with a full suite of services, ranging from the translation of contracts and compliance documentation to full-scale multilingual litigation requiring certified translation and Chinese document review. We deliver customized legal document translation solutions based on your case’s size and budget requirements, utilizing industry-leading technology to ensure accuracy, lower costs and faster turnaround times.
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