neighboring right

neighboring right. (usu. pl.) Copyright. An intellectual-property right of a performer or of an entrepreneur such as a publisher, broadcaster, or producer, as distinguished from a moral right belonging to an author or artist as the work’s creator. • In civil-law systems, neighboring rights and moral rights are typically protected by different laws, while in common-law systems both are typically protected by the same copyright laws.

— Also termed related right; entrepreneurial right; (in French) droit voisins; (in German) Leistungsschutzrecht; (in Italian) diritto connessi. Cf. MORAL RIGHT . [Cases: Copyrights and Intellectual Property 41(3).]

“Civil law countries have generally, but not consistently, consigned protection of collaborative technological productions to regimes of neighboring rights. Common law countries, with their utilitarian emphasis on the products rather than the processes of creative work, have generally, but not consistently, included these productions in the subject matter of copyright, alongside such traditional objects as novels and musical works.” Paul Goldstein, International Copyright: Principles, Law, and Practice 157 (2001).

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