
object (ob-jekt), n.

1. A person or thing to which thought, feeling, or action is directed (the natural object of one’s bounty). See NATURAL OBJECT.

object of a power. A person appointable by a donee. See POWER OF APPOINTMENT.

2. Something sought to be attained or accomplished; an end, goal, or purpose (the financial objects of the joint venture).

object of an action. The legal relief that a plaintiff seeks; the remedy demanded or relief sought in a lawsuit. Cf. SUBJECT OF AN ACTION.

object of a statute. The aim or purpose of legislation; the end or design that a statute is meant to accomplish.

object ([schwa]b-jekt), vb.

1. To state in opposition; to put forward as an objection (the prosecution objected that the defendant’s discovery requests were untimely).

2. To state or put forward an objection, esp. to something in a judicial proceeding (the defense objected to the testimony on the ground that it was privileged).[Cases: Federal Civil Procedure 2017; Trial 77. C.J.S. Trial §§ 220–221.] — objector, n.

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