office of thrift supervisionglossary / OFFICE OF THRIFT SUPERVISION Office of Thrift Supervision. An office in the U.S. Department of the Treasury responsible for regulating and examining thrift institutions to ensure that they are financially sound. — Abbr. OTS. 词条贡献者 资深译员Ting,亚洲顶尖法学院国际贸易专业,擅长翻译各类与国际贸易委员会调查程序相关的法律文件。
Office of Thrift Supervision OFFICE OF THRIFT SUPERVISION, 储蓄监管局 Office of Thrift Supervision 〈美〉储蓄监管局 财政部的机构,负责储蓄协会的审查、安全合法运作及管理。