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sicut alias

sicut alias (sI-k[schwa]t ay-lee-[schwa]s), n. [Latin “as at another time”] Hist. A second writ issued when the first one was not executed. “But where a defendant absconds, and the plaintiff would proceed to an outlawry against him, an original writ must then be sued out regularly, and after that a capias. And if the sheriff […]

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primogeniture (prI-m[schwa]-jen-[schwa]-ch[schwa]r). 1. The state of being the firstborn child among siblings. 2. The common-law right of the firstborn son to inherit his ancestor’s estate, usu. to the exclusion of younger siblings. — Also termed (in sense 2) primogenitureship. See BOROUGH ENGLISH . [Cases: Descent and Distribution 7.] “If by primogeniture we only mean ‘that

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declaratory theory

declaratory theory. The belief that judges’ decisions never make law but instead merely constitute evidence of what the law is. • This antiquated view — held by such figures as Coke and Blackstone — is no longer accepted. “There are … at least three good reasons why the declaratory theory should have persisted for some

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casus omissus

casus omissus (kay-s[schwa]s [schwa]-mis-[schwa]s). [Latin “case omitted”] A situation not provided for by a statute or contract, and therefore governed by caselaw or new judge-made law. Pl. casus omissi. Cf. CASUS(2). [Cases: Statutes 186. C.J.S. Statutes § 320.] “At times a state of war appears to exist between the courts and the parliamentary draftsman. The

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anticybersquatting consumer protection act

Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act. Trademarks. A 1999 federal law authorizing a trademark owner to obtain a federal-court order transferring ownership of a domain name from a cybersquatter to the trademark owner. • A mark’s owner must show that (1) the mark and the domain name are identical or confusingly similar; (2) the mark was distinctive

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