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collateralize (k[schwa]-lat-[schwa]r-[schwa]l-Iz), vb. 1. To serve as collateral for (the purchased property collateralized the loan agreement). 2. To make (a loan) secure with collateral (the creditor insisted that the loan be collateralized). [Cases: Secured Transactions 1. C.J.S. Secured Transactions §§ 3, 7–9, 23, 37.] — collateralization (k[ schwa]-lat-[schwa]r-[schwa]l-[schwa]-zay-sh[schwa]n), n.

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extraction. Intellectual property. The transfer of data from a database from the server where the database resides to a different computer or medium. “ ‘Extraction’ is something of a misnomer, given that the extracted contents will remain on the original database, and are accordingly copied from, not removed from, it. It is also somewhat illogical

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deadlock, n. 1. A state of inaction resulting from opposition, a lack of compromise or resolution, or a failure of election. See tie vote under VOTE (3). 2. Corporations. The blocking of corporate action by one or more factions of shareholders or directors who disagree about a significant aspect of corporate policy. [Cases: Corporations 553(5),

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underwriting, n. 1. The act of assuming a risk by insuring it; the insurance of life or property. See INSURANCE. [Cases: Insurance 1515.] 2. The act of agreeing to buy all or part of a new issue of securities to be offered for public sale. [Cases: Securities Regulation 11.18, 60.31. C.J.S. Securities Regulation §§ 69,

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demurrage (di-m[schwa]r-ij). (usu. pl.) Maritime law. 1. Liquidated damages owed by a charterer to a shipowner for the charterer’s failure to load or unload cargo by the agreed time. [Cases: Shipping 170. C.J.S. Shipping §§ 431–432.] contract demurrage. A demurrage paid by a vessel’s charterer if the time to load or unload the vessel at

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