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postpone, vb. 1. To put off to a later time. 2. To place lower in precedence or importance; esp., to subordinate (a lien) to a later one. 3. Parliamentary law. To temporarily or permanently suppress a main motion. — postponement, n. postpone definitely. To delay a main motion’s consideration to a specified time or until […]

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dialectic (dI-[schwa]-lek-tik), n. 1. A school of logic that teaches critical examination of the truth of an opinion, esp. by discussion or debate. • The method was applied by ancient philosophers, such as Plato and Socrates, primarily in the context of conversational discussions involving questions and answers, and also by more modern philosophers, such as

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media sententia

media sententia (mee-dee-[schwa] sen-ten-shee-[schwa]). [Latin] Roman law. A middle view. “The Proculeians held that specification, by changing the form of the raw material, changed its nature, and replaced it by something quite new, and that, therefore, the maker of the new article was the owner of it, and not the person to whom belonged the

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irreparable injury rule

irreparable-injury rule (i-rep-[schwa]-r[schwa]-b[schwa]l). The principle that equitable relief (such as an injunction) is available only when no adequate legal remedy (such as monetary damages) exists. • Although this rule is one that courts continue to cite, the courts do not usu. follow it literally in practice. — Also termed adequacy test. [Cases: Injunction 14, 138.

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retreat rule

retreat rule. Criminal law. The doctrine holding that the victim of a murderous assault must choose a safe retreat instead of resorting to deadly force in self-defense, unless (1) the victim is at home or in his or her place of business (the so-called castle doctrine), or (2) the assailant is a person whom the

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active supervision

Antitrust. Under the test for determining whether a private entity may claim a state-action exemption from the antitrust laws, the right of the state to review the entity’s anticompetitive acts and to disap-prove those acts that do not promote state policy. See STATE-ACTION DOCTRINE; MIDCAL TEST. [Cases: Monopolies 12(15.5). C.J.S. Monopolies §§ 136, 138–143.]

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fieri feci

fieri feci (fI-[schwa]-rIfee-sI). [Latin “I have caused to be made”] Hist. A sheriff’s return on a fieri facias where the sheriff has collected, in whole or in part, the sum to be levied on. • The return is usu. expressed by the word “satisfied.”

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legal dictionaries

legal dictionaries 法律词典 定义或阐释专业性的法律用语或出现在法律文本中具有特定含义的词和词组的意义和用法的词典。当然,大多数英美普通词典对这些词语也作解释。思想和语言的精准是成功的法律词典的首要因素。法律词典的作用在于减少概念上的混乱、语言上的含混及遣词上的不准确。与法律词典功能类似的是那些论述词和词组在司法语境中特定含义的书籍。第一部主要的法律词典是1527年由约翰·拉斯特尔〔John Rastell〕编纂的《英格兰法定义解释》〔Expositiones Terminorum Legum Anglorum〕。现代英格兰法律词典主要有:约翰·J.S.沃顿〔John J.S. Wharton〕于1848年编纂的《法律词汇》〔Law Lexicon〕;查尔斯·斯威特〔Charles Sweet〕于1882年编纂的《英格兰法律词典》〔Dictionary of English Law〕;W.G.伯恩〔W.G.Byrne〕于1923年编纂的《英格兰法律词典》〔Dictionary of English Law〕;厄尔·乔伊特〔Earl Jowitt〕以沃顿和伯恩的词典为基础于1959年编纂的《英格兰法律词典》〔The Dictionary of English Law〕,该词典于1977年再版,名为《乔氏英格兰法律词典》〔Jowitt’s Dictionary of English Law〕,编者为约翰·伯克〔John Burke〕;E.R.哈迪艾维米〔E. R. Hardy Ivamy〕于1988年编纂的第十版《莫兹利与怀特利法律词典》〔Mozley and Whiteley’s Law Dictionary〕;约翰·S.詹姆斯〔John S. James〕于1986年主编的第五版五卷本《斯特劳德氏词与词组司法词典》〔Stroud’s Judicial Dictionary of Words and Phrases〕;以及约翰·B.桑德斯〔John B. Saunders〕于1969年总编的第二版五卷本《词与词组法律界定》〔Words and Phrases〕;戴维·M.沃克〔David M. Walker〕于1980年编纂的《牛津法律总览》〔The Oxford Companion to Law〕。现代美国法律词典主要有:约翰·布维尔〔John Bouvier〕于1839年编纂的《参照大陆法系和其他外国法系适用于美国法律及一些州法的法律词典》〔Law Dictionary

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fine annullando levato de tenemento quod fuit de antiquo dominico (a-n[ schwa]-lan-doh l[schwa]-vay-to dee ten-[schwa]-men-toh kwod fyoo-it dee an-tI-kwoh d[schwa]-min-[schwa]-koh). [Latin “a fine to be annulled levied from a tenement which was of ancient demesne”] Hist. A writ for disannulling a conveyance of land in ancient demesne to the lord’s prejudice.

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