Search Results for: NTIA

scientific evidence

Fact or opinion evidence that purports to draw on specialized knowledge of a science or to rely on scientific principles for its evidentiary value. See DAUBERT TEST. [Cases: Criminal Law 388; Evidence 150, 505–574. C.J.S. Criminal Law § 761; Evidence §§ 216–226, 510, 513–514, 521, 523–527, 597–632, 634–660, 662–668, 670–671, 673–688, 691–709, 713–759, 800–812.]

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senility. Mental feebleness or impairment caused by old age. • A senile person (in the legal, as opposed to the popular, sense) is incompetent to enter into a binding contract or to execute a will. — Also termed senile dementia (see-nIl di-men-shee-[schwa]). [Cases: Mental Health 3. C.J.S. Insane Persons§§ 2, 6.] — senile, adj.

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incident, adj. Dependent upon, subordinate to, arising out of, or otherwise connected with (something else, usu. of greater importance) (the utility easement is incident to the ownership of the tract). — incident, n. incident, n. 1. A discrete occurrence or happening (an incident of copyright infringement). 2. A dependent, subordinate, or consequential part (of something

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irrelevant (i-rel-[schwa]-v[schwa]nt), adj. 1. (Of evidence) having no probative value; not tending to prove or disprove a matter in issue. — Also termed impertinent. Cf. IMMATERIAL. [Cases: Evidence 99. C.J.S. Evidence §§ 2–5, 197–199, 204, 206.] 2. (Of a pleaded allegation) having no substantial relation to the action, and will not affect the court’s decision.

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reputation evidence

Evidence of what one is thought by others to be. • Reputation evidence may be introduced as proof of character when character is in issue or is used circumstantially. Fed. R. Evid. 405(a). — Also termed reputational evidence. [Cases: Criminal Law 375; Evidence 106; Witnesses 333–362. C.J.S. Criminal Law §§ 816–818; Evidence §§ 495–497, 499–502,

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