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praxis (prak-sis). [Greek “doing; action”] In critical legal studies, practical action; the practice of living the ethical life in conjunction and in cooperation with others.

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hybrid action

hybrid action. Labor law. A lawsuit in which a union member asserts claims against the employer for breach of a collective-bargaining agreement, and against the union for breach of the duty of fair representation. [Cases: Labor Relations 758.1, 773. 1.]

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fiduciary relationship

A relationship in which one person is under a duty to act for the benefit of another on matters within the scope of the relationship. • Fiduciary relationships — such as trustee–beneficiary, guardian–ward, principal–agent, and attorney–client — require an unusually high degree of care. Fiduciary relationships usu. arise in one of four situations: (1) when

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C.O.D.abbr. 1. Cash on delivery; collect on delivery. • By consenting to this delivery term, the buyer agrees to pay simultaneously with delivery and appoints the carrier as the buyer’s agent to receive and transmit the payment to the seller. With C.O.D. contracts, the practice of carriers has traditionally been to disallow inspection before payment.

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primogeniture (prI-m[schwa]-jen-[schwa]-ch[schwa]r). 1. The state of being the firstborn child among siblings. 2. The common-law right of the firstborn son to inherit his ancestor’s estate, usu. to the exclusion of younger siblings. — Also termed (in sense 2) primogenitureship. See BOROUGH ENGLISH . [Cases: Descent and Distribution 7.] “If by primogeniture we only mean ‘that

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fine n. (1)罚金 刑法中指对罪犯征收一定数额金钱的刑罚,可作为判处监禁的附加刑。罚金的数额由法律规定。现代立法要求法院判处罚金时考虑被告人的支付能力、被告人的家庭负担以及对补偿被害人损失的影响。 (2)罚款 包括俱乐部、互助会等社会团体对其成员因行为不当、过失所作出的经济上的处罚。 (3) 〈英〉(封建法)封地易主费 指封臣基于封地易主——无论是实际持有人还是领主的变更,向其领主交纳的费用,最通常的一种是领主接纳〔admittance〕新附庸时由后者缴纳的费用,在封地易手、领主死亡和其他情况下交纳的款项也包括在内。这种费用于1660年废除。近代存在的重要的情形是公簿地产保有人〔copyholder〕在转让其地产时向其领主交纳的费用。 (4) (英格兰古法)协议诉讼 1833年前存在一种拟制司法程序,它被广泛地应用于土地转让,其实这是一种关于被转让土地的拟制和解诉讼,这种运作被称为征收「土地转让金」〔levying a fine〕。其过程如下:签发诉讼起始令〔praecipe〕——通常是违约令状〔writ of covenant〕,双方出庭应诉,然后经法庭的允许达成协议,使争议土地归属于一方。该协议落实到文字上并登录入卷后,便具有了(法庭)判决的效力。为了完成这一协议诉讼,相关令状会发给争议土地所在郡之郡长——正如在执行普通诉讼之判决那样,由他将争议土地移交给权利获得方,若后者已占有该土地,则此相关令状可以免发。协议诉讼包括五个部分:首先是签发诉讼开始令;然后是法庭批准双方和解〔licence to agree; licencia concordandi〕,并支付令状中所规定的「令后金」〔post fine〕;第三部分是达成协议,确认土地归属;第四部分是由和解协议保管官〔chirographer〕起草诉讼程序之纪录;第五部分是签署上述程序记录。该记录由当事人双方各自保存,作为协议诉讼的合法证据,并成为土地购买者的权利证书〔title deeds〕。在该诉讼中,受让土地的一方被称为控告方〔complainant〕或被认可方〔conusee〕,转让一方被称为非法持有人〔deforciant〕或认可方〔conusor〕。协议诉讼主要是为了将在一定期间内提出的针对土地的相反权利请求予以终止,为此需要在连续的四个开庭期间内公开、严肃地予以宣示,并征收土地转让费。常见的情形是通过封赠获得非限嗣继承之封地的封臣想通过协议诉讼阻却回复地产权人〔reversioner〕的权利,另外还有限嗣继承地产保有人用协议诉讼来中断地产的限嗣继承性质,从而阻却特定继承人的权利以及已婚妇女借此获取与丈夫共同转让地产的权利等情形。协议诉讼包括下述四类:1认可通过封赠方式授予对方地产权〔fine sur conusance or cognizance de droit come ceo qu’il ad de son done; fine on acknowledgment of right as that which he had of his gift〕,主要转让非限嗣继承地产权或自由保有地产权;2认可转让回复地产权或剩余地产权〔fine sur cognizance de droit tantum; fine on

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hypothèque (ee-poh-tek), n. French law. Hypothecation; the right vested in a creditor by the assignment to the creditor of real estate as security for a debt, whether or not accompanied by possession. • Hypothèque may be légale, as the charge that the state has over the lands of its accountants, or that a married woman

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temporary perfection

The continuous perfection of a security interest for a limited period. • For example, a security interest in proceeds from the original collateral is perfected for ten days after the debtor receives the proceeds; the interest will become unperfected after this ten-day period unless certain statutory requirements are met. On most instruments, a secured party

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