Search Results for: NAY


nonagium (noh-nay-jee-[schwa]m). [Latin “a ninth”] Hist. The ninth part of a decedent’s personal property, sometimes payable to the parish clergy for pious uses. — Also termed nonage.

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destinatione (des-ti-nay-shee-oh-nee). [Law Latin] Hist. By destination or appointment of an heir. • The phrase appeared in reference to the process, made possible through a destination clause, by which an heir was appointed to a succession in a certain order. See DESTINATION(2),(3).

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primogeniture (prI-m[schwa]-jen-[schwa]-ch[schwa]r). 1. The state of being the firstborn child among siblings. 2. The common-law right of the firstborn son to inherit his ancestor’s estate, usu. to the exclusion of younger siblings. — Also termed (in sense 2) primogenitureship. See BOROUGH ENGLISH . [Cases: Descent and Distribution 7.] “If by primogeniture we only mean ‘that

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