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H.abbr. 1. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES(3). 2. House report. 3. See house bill under BILL(3). 4. In the citation of English statutes, a king named Henry. 5. In the Year Books, the Hilary term. See YEAR BOOKS; HILARY SITTINGS. 6. In tax assessments and other such official reports, a house.

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mcnaghten rules

McNaghten rules (mik-nawt-[schwa]n).Criminal law. The doctrine that a person is not criminally responsible for an act when a mental disability prevented the person from knowing either the nature and quality of the act or whether the act was right or wrong. • The federal courts and most states have adopted this test in some form.

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gap report

gap report. In the making of federal court rules, a report that explains any changes made by an advisory com-mittee in the language of a proposed amendment to a procedural rule after its publication for comment. • Before advisory committees began issuing gap reports in the early 1980s, there were complaints that the public record

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parking. 1. The sale of securities subject to an agreement that the seller will buy them back at a later time for a similar price. • Parking is illegal if done to circumvent securities regulations or tax laws. It is often a method of evading the net-capital requirements of the National Association of Securities Dealers

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inquest. 1. An inquiry by a coroner or medical examiner, sometimes with the aid of a jury, into the manner of death of a person who has died under suspicious circumstances, or who has died in prison. — Also termed coroner’s inquest; inquisition after death. [Cases: Coroners 9; Homicide 1110. C.J.S. Coroners and Medical Examiners

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prout de lege

prout de lege (proh-[schwa]t dee [or di] lee-jee). [Law Latin] According to law. • Proof prout de lege is proof by any legal means, as distinct from proof limited to writing. — Also termed prout de jure (proh-[schwa]t dee [or di] joor-ee). “A proof prout de jure is a proof by all the legal means

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reinsurance treaty

reinsurance treaty. A contract of reinsurance (usu. long-term) covering different classes or lines of business of the reinsured (such as professional liability, property, etc.) and obligating the reinsurer in advance to accept the cession of covered risks. • Rather than receive individual notice of each specific claim covered, the treaty reinsurer will generally receive periodic

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re up

re-up, vb. 1. To reenlist in one of the armed forces (the soldier re-upped the day after being discharged). [Cases: Armed Services 18. C.J.S. Armed Services §§ 43, 45–46.] 2. To sign an extension to a contract, esp. an employment agreement (the star athlete re-upped in a three-year deal worth $12 million).

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