Search Results for: IRS

southern reporter

Southern Reporter. A set of regional lawbooks, part of the West Group’s National Reporter System, containing every published appellate decision from Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, and Mississippi, from 1887 to date. • The first series ran from 1887 to 1941; the second series is the current one. — Abbr. So.; So. 2d.

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tax court us

Tax Court, U.S. A federal court that hears appeals by taxpayers from adverse IRS decisions about tax deficiencies. • The Tax Court was created in 1942, replacing the Board of Tax Appeals. — Abbr. T.C. [Cases: Internal Revenue 4645–4655. C.J.S. Internal Revenue §§ 680–687.]

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grant to uses

grant to uses. Hist. A conveyance of legal title to real property to one person for the benefit of another. • If, for example, A conveyed land to B and his heirs to the use of C and his heirs, B — the feoffee to uses — acquired seisin in and had possession of the

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corporate name

The registered name under which a corporation conducts legal affairs such as suing, being sued, and paying taxes; the name that a corporation files with a state authority (usu. the secretary of state) as the name under which the corporation will conduct its affairs. • A corporate name usu. includes, and in many states is

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