Search Results for: EXECUTED


precept (pree-sept). 1. A standard or rule of conduct; a command or principle ( several legal precepts govern here). [Cases: Courts 87–100. C.J.S. Courts §§ 135–136, 139–164, 166–169; Trade-Marks, Trade-Names, and Unfair Competition§ 187.] 2. A writ or warrant issued by an authorized person demanding another’s action, such as a judge’s order to an officer […]

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execution of wills

execution of wills 遗嘱生效要件的完成 根据英国1837年《遗嘱法》〔Wills Act〕,遗嘱须由立遗嘱人在遗嘱末尾签字或由其在场并指示他人在遗嘱中代为签字,且经两位证人在场签字证明,始为有效。1852年《遗嘱法修正法》〔Wills Act Amendment Act〕对遗嘱签字作了灵活规定。另外,上述规则对现役军人或海上作业之海员并不适用 。(→executed will; attestation clause)

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