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Twenty-first Amendment

Twenty-first Amendment 〈美〉美国宪法第二十一条修正案 该修正案于1933年2月由国会通过,1933年12月由州制宪会议〔state convention〕批准生效。该修正案废除了美国宪法第十八条修正案,结束了美国禁酒的尴尬局面,因而禁酒制的废除从一开始就成为受欢迎的政治措施。不过,该修正案仍保留州在其辖区内对酒类进行管制甚至禁止的权力,只是应受一定贸易权〔commerce power〕限制而已。这一宪法修正案由州制宪会议批准,这在美国宪法史上是唯一由州制宪会议批准的宪法修正案。

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bureau of international labor affairs

Bureau of International Labor Affairs. A unit in the U.S. Department of Labor responsible for helping formulate policy on international matters that affect American workers. • For example, the Bureau compiles and publishes worldwide data on child-labor practices and on foreign labor markets and programs. It also studies the labor consequences of immigration proposals and

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murder in the first degree

murder in the first degree 一级谋杀(罪) 美国大多数州把谋杀罪分为两级。对谋杀罪分级的目的在于,对一级谋杀罪判处的刑罚比二级谋杀罪更为严厉,对一级谋杀罪判处的刑罚,通常包括死刑(在保留死刑的州),对二级谋杀罪判处的刑罚,通常包括终身监禁,但不处死刑。在对谋杀罪划分等级的州,一级谋杀罪包括两类谋杀:1预先恶意预谋的谋杀〔murder with malice aforethought〕;2在实行特定种类的重罪过程中发生的重罪-谋杀〔felony-murder〕,此特定种类的重罪仅限于放火、强奸、抢劫、破门入户或绑架等五六种暴力犯罪。有一些州把具有某些特定情节的杀人列为一级谋杀罪:用特定的杀人手段,如投毒杀人、伏击杀人、折磨杀人;或在特定的地点,如在监狱或看守所里杀人;或对特定的对象,如杀死正在执行职务的警察。(=first degree murder; murder of the first degree) murder in the second degree 二级谋杀(罪) 在美国,凡把谋杀罪划分为两个等级的州,二级谋杀罪的范围即为一级谋杀罪以外的其他谋杀罪,具体包括:1预先无恶意预谋的谋杀;2所有故意重伤谋杀〔intent-to-do-serious-bodily-injury murder〕的情况;3所有极端轻率谋杀〔depraved-heart murder〕的情况;4一级谋杀罪列举的特定种类重罪以外的重罪-谋杀〔felony-murder〕,如盗窃中发生的杀人,严重恶作剧引起的死亡等。

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airspace. The space that extends upward from the surface of land, esp. so far as is necessary for the owner or possessor to have reasonable use and enjoyment of the incidents of its ownership or possession. Cf. OUTER SPACE. national airspace. Int’l law. The pillar of air above a nation’s territory — including internal waters

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first money in, first money out

first money in, first money out (资金的)先进先出法 是一项用以确定银行对某项不断发生存取活动的银行存款的留置权是否存在的规则。根据该项规则,银行的某一特定信贷额度并不被视为已经动用,直到存款人提取一笔大于信贷额设定之前的原账户余额的存款,并且当存款人的提款额等于原账户余额与信贷额度之和时,该信贷额才算使用完毕。(→banker’s lien)

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