Search Results for: RULE, THE

Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property

A treaty designed to unify and streamline patent prosecutions and trademark applications among the signatories. • The Convention eased the harsh effects of the first-to-file priority rule by allowing an applicant in any member country one year in which to apply in other member countries while maintaining the application’s original priority date. It also banned

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Conformity Act

Hist. An 1872 federal statute providing that the practice and procedure in federal district courts (other than in equity and admiralty matters) must conform to the practice and procedure used by the state courts for like cases. • The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (effective in 1938) superseded the Conformity Act.

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solicitation, n. 1. The act or an instance of requesting or seeking to obtain something; a request or petition (a solicitation for volunteers to handle at least one pro bono case per year). 2. The criminal offense of urging, advising, commanding, or otherwise inciting another to commit a crime ( convicted of solicitation of murder).

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frivolous appeal

An appeal having no legal basis, usu. filed for delay to induce a judgment creditor to settle or to avoid payment of a judgment. • Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 38 provides for the award of damages and costs if the appellate court determines that an appeal is frivolous. Fed. R. App. P. 38. [Cases:

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