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limitation over

limitation over 期限届满后(的产权) 财产转让中设定的包括在同一财产〔property〕中的任何产权〔estate〕,在所授予的第一个产权终止后开始享有。如,财产赠与协议规定,赠与某甲终身持有,余产归其后嗣〔in a gift to A for life, with remainder to the heirs of his body〕。对其后嗣来说,余产即为期限届满后的产权〔limitation over〕。

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rehabilitation, n. 1. Criminal law. The process of seeking to improve a criminal’s character and outlook so that he or she can function in society without committing other crimes (rehabilitation is a traditional theory of criminal punishment, along with deterrence and retribution). Cf. DETERRENCE; RETRIBUTION(1). [Cases: Sentencing and Punishment 45. C.J.S. Criminal Law §§ 1458,

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paris convention for the protection of industrial property

Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property. A treaty designed to unify and streamline patent prosecutions and trademark applications among the signatories. • The Convention eased the harsh effects of the first-to-file priority rule by allowing an applicant in any member country one year in which to apply in other member countries while maintaining

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de ejectione firmae

de ejectione firmae (dee ee-jek-shee-oh-nee f[schwa]r-mee). [Latin “ejectment of farm”] Hist. A writ or action of trespass to obtain the return of lands or tenements to a lessee for a term of years that had been ousted by the lessor or by a reversioner, remainderman, or stranger. • The lessee was then entitled to a

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freedom of the press

freedom of the press. The right to print and publish materials without governmental intervention, as guaranteed by the First Amendment. — Also termed liberty of the press. [Cases: Constitutional Law 90.1(8). C.J.S. Constitutional Law §§ 552, 554, 562–565, 597–598, 603–604.] “ ‘Freedom of the press’ has less significance than meets the eye. It is true,

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besayel (bes-ay-[schwa]l). [Law French] Hist. 1. A writ of right used by a great-grandfather’s heirs to recover property held by the great-grandfather. See assize of mort d’ancestor under ASSIZE(6). 2. A great-grandfather. — Also spelled besaiel; besaile; bisaile; besayle. Cf. AIEL; COSINAGE.

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key money

key money. 1. Payment (as rent or security) required from a new tenant in exchange for a key to the leased property. [Cases: Landlord and Tenant 184(2). C.J.S. Landlord and Tenant §§ 473(2–5).] 2. Payment made (usu. secretly) by a prospective tenant to a landlord or current tenant to increase the chance of obtaining a

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missing person

missing person. 1. Someone whose whereabouts are unknown and, after a reasonable time, seem to be unascertainable. 2. Someone whose continuous and unexplained absence entitles the heirs to petition a court to declare the person dead and to divide up the person’s property. See SEVEN-YEARS’-ABSENCE RULE . Cf. DISAPPEARED PERSON. [Cases: Death 2. C.J.S. Death

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