Search Results for: RULE, THE


cy-pres 类似原则 此词原系法律法语,cy意为「这,这里」,pres意为「接近,附近」。类似原则是衡平法上对法律文件进行解释的一项规则,指如果法律文件按其字面意义生效将成为不可能或者不合法,则可以借类似原则使当事人的目的尽可能地得到实现。类似原则主要适用于对遗嘱和慈善信托的解释中。例如:1若遗嘱人企图设立永久性地产权〔perpetuity〕,则法院并不宣布该遗赠全部无效,而是在「禁止永久权规则」〔rule against perpetuities〕许可的范围内,尽力实现遗嘱人的一般性意图;2在为设立慈善用益权的赠与中,尤其是在用语模糊或不确定而必须通过解释来探求遗嘱人的真实目的时,也同样适用类似原则;3如果遗嘱人曾表达过一般性的慈善目的,但由于某种原因,该目的并不能以遗嘱中所特别指定的方式来实现,则法院依照类似原则将享有衡平法的权利,仍可以执行这种为特定慈善目的而建立的遗嘱信托,即将信托财产运用于与初始信托尽可能类似的目的上,使该信托继续存在。

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nullum tempus occurrit reipublicae

nullum tempus occurrit reipublicae (n[schwa]l-[schwa]m tem-p[schwa]s [ schwa]-k[schwa]r-it ree-I-p[schwa]b-l[schwa]-see), n. [Latin “no time runs against the state”] The principle that a statute of limitations does not apply to a commonwealth or state unless a statute specifically provides that it does. • The purpose of the rule is to fully protect public rights and property from

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intended use doctrine

intended-use doctrine. Products liability. The rule imposing a duty on a manufacturer to develop a product so that it is reasonably safe for its intended or foreseeable users. • In determining the scope of responsibility, the court considers the defendant’s marketing scheme and the foreseeability of the harm. [Cases: Products Liability 15. C.J.S. Products Liability

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bill in the nature of a bill of review

bill in the nature of a bill of review 复审诉状性质的诉状衡平法诉讼中的一种诉状,由初始诉讼当事人以外的,不受判决约束的人提出,旨在请求对该案件重新审理,并撤销原判决。美国《联邦民事诉讼规则》〔Federal Rules of Civil Procedure〕已废除了此种诉状。

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laws of war

laws of war. Int’l law. The body of rules and principles observed by civilized nations for the regulation of matters inherent or incidental to the conduct of a public war, such as the relations of neutrals and belligerents, blockades, captures, prizes, truces and armistices, capitulations, prisoners, and declarations of war and peace. See GENEVA CONVENTIONS

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