Search Results for: RULE, THE


conventionalism. A jurisprudential conception of legal practice and tradition holding that law is a matter of respecting and enforcing legal and social rules. “Conventionalism makes two postinterpretive, directive claims. The first is positive: that judges must respect the established legal conventions of their community except in rare circumstances. It insists, in other words, that they

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promulgate (pr[schwa]-m[schwa]l-gayt orprom-[schwa]l-gayt), vb. 1. To declare or announce publicly; to proclaim. 2. To put (a law or decree) into force or effect. 3. (Of an administrative agency) to carry out the formal process of rulemaking by publishing the proposed regulation, inviting public comments, and approving or rejecting the proposal. — promulgation (prom-[ schwa]l-gay-sh[schwa]n or

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grandfather clause

grandfather clause. 1. Hist. A clause in the constitutions of some Southern states exempting from suffrage re-strictions the descendants of men who voted before the Civil War. 2. A provision that creates an exemption from the law’s effect for something that existed before the law’s effective date; specif., a statutory or regulatory clause that exempts

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diplomacy, n. Int’l law. 1. The art and practice of conducting negotiations between national governments. open diplomacy. Diplomacy carried on with free access to interested observers and members of the press. parliamentary diplomacy. The negotiations and discussions carried out in international organizations according to their rules of procedure. secret diplomacy. Diplomacy carried on behind closed

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quasi judicial

quasi-judicial, adj. Of, relating to, or involving an executive or administrative official’s adjudicative acts. • Quasi-judicial acts, which are valid if there is no abuse of discretion, often determine the fundamental rights of citizens. They are subject to review by courts. [Cases: Administrative Law and Procedure 108. C.J.S. Public Administrative Law and Procedure §§ 10–11.]

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